
Ausgewählte Vorträge der letzten Jahre

The Water Cultures of Europe and the Mediterranean, 1500-1900

13.-15. September 2023, Venedig

Vortrag: A dual-use commodity: Bottled mineral water between medicine and soft drink, c. 1870-1914

European Society for Environmental History Conference: Mountains and Plains

22.-26. August 2023, Bern

Vortrag: Commodified Nature: The Making of Natural Mineral Water as a Health Product

Cholera in the Indian Ocean World since the Nineteenth Century

24. Mai 2023, Wien

Vortrag: Cholera in Colonial Madras: Perceptions and Measures

European Social Science History Conference

12.-15. April 2023, Göteborg

Vortrag: The Four Consumption Regimes of Mineral Water (1800 to the Present)

Sinnesräune – Sensory Studies and Spatial Concepts

24.-25. September 2020, Innsbruck

Vortrag: Die Strukturierung der sinnlichen Erfahrung. Kurorte und die Trinkkur im 19. Jahrhundert

Publikation: Die räumliche Ordnung der sinnlichen Erfahrungen. Kurorte und die Trinkkur im 19. Jahrhundert; in: Historische Anthropologie 30 (2022), S. 290-309.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7788/hian.2022.30.3.290

Sense and Nonsense

European Association for History of Medicine and Health Conference

27.-30. August 2019, Birmingham

Vortrag: Tasting Treatment: The Drinking Cure, Mineral Water and the Connection between Taste and Medical Potency

From Night Soil to Chemical Fertilizer: Transformations
in Asian-Pacific Agriculture

March 2018, Shanghai

Vortrag: A By-Product of Sanitation: Sewage Farming in the City of Madras, 1860-1910

International Congress of History of Science and Technology

Juli 2017, Rio de Janeiro

Vortrag: From Temporary Measures to Permanent Infrastructures: Controlling Cholera in Madras and Quebec City, 1818-1854

Marktforschung und Konsumgütermarketing im 20.

Mai 2017, Nürnberg

Vortrag: Mineralwasser. Vom urbanen Massenkonsumgut zum Lifestyle-Accessoire im Spiegel von Werbung und Marktforschung (1960-2016)

Environment and Health in History

November 2016, Oulu

Vortrag: Healthy Nature in a Bottle: The Cultural History of Mineral Water in Europe

Publikation: Healthy Nature in a Bottle? The Contested Naturalness of Mineral Water; in: Esa Ruuskanen, Heini Hakosalo (Hrsg), In Pursuit of Healthy Environments: Historical Cases on the Environment-Health Nexus, London: Routledge, 2021, S. 27-41.

International Water History Association Conference

Juni 2016, Delft

Vortrag: Carrying Water

Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses

Mai 2016, Bern

Vortrag: For the Common Good: Regulating the Lake Constance Fisheries

Publikation: For the Common Good: Regulating the Lake Constance Fisheries from 1350 to 1800; in: Tobias Haller u.a. (Hg.), The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connectiona and Local Responses, London: Routledge 2019, S. 141-155.

Die Un-Ordnung der Stadt im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

Septermber 2015, Regensburg


Zivilisierte Ordnung statt indigener Komplexität? Die Cholera in Madras 1818-1855

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